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Arrest Laws in Pakistan

Arrest laws in Pakistan are governed by the Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPC), which outlines the procedure for the arrest of an accused person. The purpose of arrest is to ensure that the accused appears before the court and to prevent them from absconding or tampering with evidence.

Arrest can be made with or without a warrant, depending on the circumstances of the case. When a warrant is issued, the police can arrest the accused person at any time and place. However, in cases where a warrant is not issued, the police can only arrest a person if there is sufficient reason to believe that the person has committed an offense.

Once a person is arrested, they must be informed of the grounds for their arrest and must be produced before a court within 24 hours. The person must also be informed of their right to legal representation, and they have the right to consult with a lawyer during the detention period.

During the detention period, the police must ensure that the accused person is treated humanely and is not subjected to any form of torture or mistreatment. The police must also provide medical treatment to the accused person if necessary.

In cases where the accused person is unable to afford legal representation, the court may appoint a lawyer to represent them or they can Post a Request on UPLAW under our Probono Program & get Free legal aid.

The accused person can also apply for bail during the detention period. Bail is a security provided by the accused person to ensure their appearance before the court. If the court grants bail, the accused person can be released from custody until the trial begins.

In conclusion, the arrest laws in Pakistan are designed to ensure that the accused person is treated fairly and humanely during the detention period. The police must follow the procedures outlined in the CrPC when making an arrest, and the accused person has the right to legal representation and medical treatment.

If you are ever arrested in Pakistan, it is important to understand your rights and seek legal advice as soon as possible.


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